The Road

Mar 18, 2021

A special project I did, with my remote studio, was the California State Prison at Folsom recording and mixing/mastering of the double CD entitled The Road. It is a work about the life of Jesus, composed by inmate Marty Williams.  

He’s the 12 string guitarist and principle singer, and I’m proud to say a former student of mine when I taught there. Many of these guys were students of mine. I went in with my mics, laptop and a Metric Halo ULN-8 over the course of a week and recorded them. This was a remarkable challenge, through suspicious guards, lock downs and envious inmates on the yard.

Jim Carlson, artist facilitator, and one of the men who hired me those many years, deserves the credit for seeing this thing through. These men are more than likely never getting out. They’re all “lifers” and I love them all. Listen to the optimism in these songs, especially on Hallelujah. All proceeds that were generated by the CD went to victims a rights organization.


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